vendredi 29 novembre 2013

Chapters 52 and 53

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17 pages

Erich gets involved in the dramatic evacuation of his people out of town.
The next two chapters will be published next weekend.

Current writing status : Chapter 62 is finished.

I intend to finish chapters 63 and 64 before the end of the year. It will see the end of the transitory period in the story. The story is also slowly coming to an end, which will be reached at around chapter 75

Remember, htere are still two chapters, 45 and 46, who have not bee written yet, and it turned out to be a good decision, since the original plan for these would have taken us too far in another direction.

"Glasses and Pulleys" is now over 311,000 words long.


samedi 23 novembre 2013

Chapters 50 and 51

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18 pages

There is a bit of action as Mark and Erich fight off the attacking gang. Still it ends up worse than expected.

While they're licking their wounds, it seems the rest of the nations is suddenly collapsing due to a complete denial of service situation.

The next two chapters will be published next weekend.
I am reaching the end of the favourable period of time for writing. I expect to be able to finish chapters 61 and 62, and then will have to devote time for other, quite pressing matters (but I hope it'll be worth it).

I hope to be able to resume writing in February ; hence there would have been about one month and a half without updates. Also, chapters 45 and 46 will be dealt with at a later time.

Current writing status : chapter 60 is half-written, but chapters 45 and 46 are still missing. "Glasses and Pulleys" is now over 300,000 words long. Three-hundred-thousand. Repeat that slowly.


vendredi 15 novembre 2013

Chapters 48 and 49

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18 pages

In chapter 48, Erich learns a bit more about the still distant technological war. Normalcy returns gradually to Trois-Chênes, but not for long.
Indeed, in chapter 49 we adopt the point of view of the Red and Blue Teams as they witness the impending and mysterious menace that is about to be unleashed on Trois-Chênes. Can they stop it ? We will know for sure in chapter 50 and 51, to be (spellchecked, reviewed and) released in eight days.

I use a favourable window of opportunity to write as much as I can ; the chapters will be released at a pace of two per week.

Current writing status : chapter 55 is finished, but chapters 45 and 46 are still missing. "Glasses and Pulleys" is now over 275,000 words long.


samedi 9 novembre 2013

Chapter 47

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9 pages

Chapters 45 and 46 are not written yet, but chapters 47 to 50 are. The missing chapters will continue to tell Richard's children progression, but as of now I have a couple of free days at long last and will continue on the Erich & Kathryn side.

This chapter ties up some loose ends and also serves the purpose of reconnecting the reader with the context. There is a sort of cliffhanger as Erich travels to Houma, but chapter 48 will follow in the coming week.

You might ask yourself : why not publish all the other chapters right now ?

Well I need to dedicate entire days to write  properly, and preferably several days in a row. So this is the time where I make some progress. Spellchecking, trimming and fact-checking can be made in a much shorter time frame, and also doesn't require the same mindset : I can do it after work.

When a chapter is published, I can't really modify it afterwards, so it has to be consistent with the rest of the story and especially the chapters that are still being written. This is why it's taking so long.

Current writing status : chapter 50 is almost finished (but chapters 45 and 46 are missing...). "Glasses and Pulleys" is now over 250,000 words long. Woohoo !
